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Mastering the Art of Passing in Football

Mastering the Art of Passing in Football

One of the most integral techniques in football would have to be the pass. By learning how to manipulate the ball and quickly transfer its possession to your teammates, you are thereby increasing your chances of winning a game. So, how can you exactly master the art of passing the ball? Below are a few tips that can help you get the hand of passing the ball in various distances.

Short Passes

Generally regarded as defensive and diversionary in nature, short passing is a very useful skill especially if you find yourself in possession of the ball. As opposing players are trying to do their best to steal it away from you, this technique will allow you to transfer the ball to your nearest teammate in a moment’s.

To make a successful short pass, you must use the inside part of your foot. This will give you optimum control over the ball and will increase the chances of you accurately passing the ball to the teammate. However, this will also mean that you have to slow down to have a better aim. This will leave you open and very predictable to the opposing player. Learn how to quickly shift to the passing position to give your opponent little time to react.

When performing a short pass, you must approach the ball at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. Then, quickly turn the foot as you make the pass and lock the ball to your ankles to make a strong contact with the ball. Keep the knee of your passing leg slightly bent to better your aim.

When your standing foot is about a hip-width away from the ball, quickly strike it with the inside of your foot. You can follow the ball through with your leg to increase the ball’s power. It is a must that the ball does not bounce as it passes so your teammate will not have difficulties controlling it.

Long Passes

A more offensive technique than short passes, the long pass is designed to let you switch ball possession with a team mate who is far from you and is open. Depending on the condition, a long pass can either give your teammate an opportunity to score or fend off multiple opposing players.

When you attempt to perform a long pass, approach the ball in a 30-degree angle to give you enough room to kick the ball through. When kicking the ball, it is a must to retain your balance by placing your standing foot close to the side of the ball so it does not veer off the intended destination. It is also a must that you keep your eyes on the ball to have a better aim.

There are multiple ways you can perform a long pass and they will have very different effects to the ball’s trajectory. If you kick the ball while keeping your knee over it and not lean back, the ball will fly low. This gives more control to your teammate. For increased power and trajectory, hit the ball near the middle or the bottom of it and lean back as you follow your leg through.